- Oh My!
- Please, don't bite me!
- Oh My Emoszqwito!
- No! Please! I didn't date you for being eaten!
- But listen! I know a way -'don't know-
maybe it works... Let's eat us like been apple pies!
You divide I choose.
You choose I divide.-
- Would you eat my heart?
- Would you share my dreams?
- I choose you, You split divided.
- All you thousend eyes choosing divided me!
- Little pieces of You choosing pieces of me!
- Bite us!
- Bite me!
- Bite us!
- Bite me!
- Could I hold your hands, when I see you alone, like me, astonished
whizzling on the sagittarius dart crossing golden virgin lands?-
One time, two times, three then all we
- Sleeping on each other cheecks -
Imagine this on the double web in our little seven square meter room!
- Breakfast of thousands hands -
The mechanics of hundred mouths!
That's the best orgy we have ever done!!!
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